Wonderlic Basic Skills Test Review

If you need help studying for the Wonderlic Basic Skills test or just want some more information about what the test is like, you’ve come to the right place.

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What’s on the Exam?

The Wonderlic Basic Skills test checks your fundamental reading and math abilities. It has two parts:

  • Verbal: This part tests your language skills and contains around 50 questions.
  • Quantitative: This part tests your math skills and contains around 45 questions.

You’ll take the verbal section first, followed by the quantitative section. This order is designed to make the test less stressful!

Each section will take you about 20 minutes to finish.

The WBST’s verbal evaluations include questions on word knowledge, sentence construction and information retrieval. There are three categories of verbal questions, including “applied” questions that test reading comprehension, sentence construction, grammar and the meanings of words; “explicit” questions on the meaning of words, grammar and the construction of sentences; and “interpretive” questions, testing the use of diagrams, charts, tables and graphs.

Furthermore, the verbal content falls into three primary domains. There are questions that ask test takers to identify and interpret information in various formats, like long-form literature and instructional lists. There is a domain that asks test takers to accurately indicate the meaning of a word within a context by choosing the word from a set of options to complete a provided sentence. Lastly, there is a domain meant to test grammar skills by asking the test taker to complete sentences or recognize errors in sentences.

On the math side, test takers are quizzed on their explicit quantitative skills (including algebra and direct computation), applied quantitative skills (the practical application of math operations) and interpretive quantitative skills (such as the use of charts, tables and graphs).

Just like with the verbal section, there are three primary domains for WBST’s math section. Questions fall into either the “basic computation” domain, where questions require basic addition, subtraction and division; the “basic computation and quantitative evaluation” domain, in which test takers are asked to conduct addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as well as computing rates and percentages and interpreting basic graphs; and the “algebra and geometry” domain, which ask participants to compute rates, proportions and percentages as well as solve variable expressions and calculate the length, angle, area and/or volume of certain shapes.

Wonderlic Basic Skills Study Guide and Flashcards

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Study Guide

Exam Scores

To get federal financial aid (Title IV), you need to score at least:

  • 200 on the Wonderlic Basic Skills Verbal test.
  • 210 on the Wonderlic Basic Skills Quantitative test.

Both scores must be from the same test session.

Your answer sheet is sent to Wonderlic for scoring. You’ll get your results within three days. A “pass” in the “Ability-to-Benefit Status” box means you qualify for aid. “No pass” means you don’t.



How many questions are on the Wonderlic Basic Skills Test?


The test contains around 90-100 questions.


What is the time limit for the Wonderlic Basic Skills Test?


You’ll have about 20 minutes per section.