The Wonderlic is a test used by both the National Football League, as well as other companies and businesses, to measure prospective players’ and employees’ educational skills, and base how they will perform in regards to the results of the Wonderlic.
Prepare with our Wonderlic Study Guide and Practice Questions. Print or eBook. Guaranteed to raise your score. Get started today!
Get practice questions, detailed study lessons, and complex subjects broken down into easily understandable concepts.

The Wonderlic practice test is specifically designed to make sure that the test-taker is knowledgeable about the Wonderlic and is able to know what to expect when it is time to take the Wonderlic.
The Wonderlic will consist of 50 multiple-choice questions that will address four main topics. These topics are as follows:
- General Knowledge and Quick Recognition, which will cover 20 percent of the test
- Logic Questions, which will cover 20 percent of the test
- English Knowledge, which will cover around 40 percent of the test
- Word Problems, which will encompass the remaining 20 percent of the test
Due to our foreknowledge of the domains of this test, we have made sure that the free Wonderlic practice test will cover each of these topics very thoroughly.
When taking the Wonderlic, you will have 12 minutes to complete the test.