Occupational Therapy Assistant Practice Test

If you need help studying for the NBCOT Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA) exam or just want some more information about what the test is like, you’ve come to the right place.

Click below to take a free NBCOT COTA practice test!

Exam Eligibility

Before you can register to take the Occupational Therapy Assistant exam, you’ll have to obtain an OTA degree from an ACOTE-accredited program.

Once you’ve done that, you’re set to begin the registration process!

What’s on the Exam?

Questions: 190
Time limit: 4 hours

First, let’s talk about the questions on the exam. There are 190 multiple-choice questions total, but only some of the questions count toward your score. Why is that?

Unscored Questions
The unscored questions on the exam are called “field-test” questions. These are added to the exam to determine if they’re good enough questions to add to future versions of the test.

The trick is that you won’t have any way of knowing which questions are scored and which ones are field-test. They will appear just like the scored questions throughout the test.

The time limit for the exam is 4 hours. There aren’t any scheduled breaks, but you’re free to take restroom breaks as needed.

Let’s take a closer look at the different sections of the COTA exam.

1. Collaborate and Gather Information
27% of the exam

  • Recognizing the various influences that impact occupational performance
  • Acquiring information about a client’s functional skills, roles, needs, wants, and performance context
  • Determining the influence of task demands, context, performance skills, and current conditions on occupation
  • Collaborating with the client, OT colleagues, and other professionals
  • Monitoring the intervention plan, context, approach, and goals

2. Select and Implement Interventions
55% of the exam

  • Incorporating preparatory techniques, activities, and modalities to promote healing and enhance engagement
  • Strategies that support participation in ADL, IADL, health management, rest and sleep, work, play, education, and social participation
  • Interventions for improving sensory, motor, neurological, and physiological status
  • Selecting, fabricating, and modifying orthotic devices
  • Integrating assistive technology options, adaptive devices, mobility aids, and other medical equipment
  • Recommending environmental modifications to support participation in occupation

3. Uphold Professional Standards and Responsibilities
18% of the exam

  • Providing safe, effective, and efficient services related to populations, groups, and individuals
  • Incorporating risk management techniques to protect from injury or harm
  • Providing OT services to protect consumers and meet reimbursement requirements
  • Engaging in professional development and competency assessment activities

How to Register

Once you’ve ensured that you meet the eligibility requirements, you can register for the exam.

To get started, you’ll need to submit an application on NBCOT’s website. The application will ask you for your contact information and any documentation to prove your eligibility (among other things).

When you submit the application, you’ll also need to submit the application fee, which is $540.

Once your application is approved, you’ll be able to register for the exam and schedule a testing appointment.

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OTAStudy Guide

Exam Scores

The test is scored using a scaled scoring method. Here’s how it works:

For every question you answer correctly, you get one point added to your raw score. At the end of the test, your final raw score will be converted to a scaled score. This scaled score will range somewhere between 300 and 600.

You’ll need to get a final score of at least 450 to pass the exam.

The reason your raw score is converted to a scaled score is because everyone who takes the test is given a slightly different set of questions. Since everyone has a different arrangement of questions, and because some questions are harder than others, converting your raw score to a scaled score ensures a more even playing field.

Retaking the Exam

If you didn’t get a passing score on your first try, that’s okay! You can retake the test after a 30-day waiting period.

Keep in mind that you will have to pay the full $430 re-testing fee every time you retake the test.



How many questions are on the COTA exam?


The exam contains 190 questions.


What is the time limit for the COTA exam?


The exam is timed at 4 hours.


What is the passing score for the COTA exam?


You’ll need to get a final scaled score of at least 450 to pass.


How much does the COTA exam cost?


The application fee is $540.