Rounding Practice Questions

1. What is the value of 789,215 rounded to the nearest thousand?
  1. 789,220
  2. 789,200
  3. 789,000
  4. 790,000
2. 2.567 rounded to the nearest hundredth is:
  1. 2.6
  2. 3.0
  3. 2.56
  4. 2.57
3. What is 0.819 rounded to the nearest hundredth?
  1. 0.81
  2. 0.9
  3. 0.82
  4. 0.8
4. Round 17.188 to the nearest hundredth.
  1. 17.1
  2. 17.2
  3. 17.18
  4. 17.19
5. In the number 6,502,104.9738, what digit is in the thousandths place?
  1. 3
  2. 5
  3. 6
  4. 8
  5. 9
6. In the number 743.25, which digit represents the tenths place?
  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5
7. Round this number to the nearest hundredth: 390.24657
  1. 400
  2. 390.247
  3. 390.25
  4. 390.2
8. Which of the following numbers is correctly rounded to the nearest tenth?
  1. 3.756 rounds to 3.76
  2. 4.567 rounds to 4.5
  3. 6.982 rounds to 7.0
  4. 54.32 rounds to 54.4
9. Round to the nearest hundredth: 0.3489
  1. 0.33
  2. 0.349
  3. 0.348
  4. 0.35
10. Round your answer to the hundredths place: 28/0.6 =
  1. 46.67
  2. 46.7
  3. 47
  4. 50
11. Round your answer to the tenths place: What is 6.4% of 32?
  1. 1.8
  2. 2.1
  3. 2.6
  4. 2.0


Answers and Explanations

C. To round to the nearest thousand, look at the hundreds place. In this problem, the hundreds digit is a 2, which is less than 5, so the number in the thousands place should not be rounded up. The correct answer is 789,000, Choice C.

2. D. The hundredth part of a unit is represented by the digit two places to the right of the decimal point, so that rounding to the nearest hundredth means truncating the number at that position. If the next digit to the right is greater than or equal to 5, the hundredths digit is rounded upwards. Otherwise, the digit stays the same. Look at the digit in the thousandths place, which is three places to the right of the decimal point. In this case it is a 7. Since the number is 5 or greater, round up. The correct answer is 2.57, Choice D.

3. C. Since the thousandths digit in this case is 9, the hundredths digit is rounded up and we have 0.82.

4. D: Since the digit in the thousandths place is an 8, round up the digit in the hundredths place, and we get 17.19.

5. A: You can eliminate choices (B) and (C) since they are to the left of the decimal point. This problem asks for the number in the thousandths place, which is 3 digits to the right of the decimal: 3 is in the thousandths place.

6. A: One place to the right of the decimal point is the tenths position: 2 is in the tenths place.

7. C: Since the digit in the thousandths place is a 6, round up the digit in the hundredths place to make 390.25.

8. C: 6.982 rounds to 7.0. The 8 in the hundredths place makes the 9 in the tenths place round up to 10, which adds 1 to the ones place and leaves the 0 to hold the tenths place.

9. D: Look at the digit in the thousandths place, which is an 8. Since that digit is more than 5, the 4 in the hundredths place is rounded up to become a 5.

10. A: The answer is 46.67. To solve this problem, you must divide 28 by 0.6. This can be rewritten in integers as 280 divided by 6. The quotient is 46.6666… or 46 2/3. Rounding to the nearest hundredth results in Choice A.

11. D: To solve, convert 6.4% to its decimal equivalent by moving the decimal point in 6.4 two places to the left: 6.4% = 0.064. Then multiply 0.064 times 32: 0.064*32=2.048. Rounding to the nearest tenth gives 2.0.