1. Oligodendrocytes are located in the _____.
2. Schwann cells are located in the _____.
3. Which of the following types of cells is the most common in the CNS?
- Astrocytes
- Oligocytes
- Neurocytes
- Celiac cells
4. Which of the following is a regulatory protein in the cytoplasm that helps the processes at the synapse?
- Calmodulin
- Protein kinase
- Ligand
- Gap protein
5. Myasthenia gravis is due to ____ receptors being blocked and destroyed by antibodies.
- Epinephrine
- Nicotinic
- Acetylcholine
- Transient
6. The primary effect of cocaine on the nervous system is that cocaine blocks the re-uptake of ____.
- Monoamines
- Transamines
- Catecholamine
- Monoamine oxidase
7. Which of the following amino acids can function as a neurotransmitter in the CNS?
- Leucine
- Glutamic acid
- Lysine
- Valine
8. Huntington’s chorea has been linked with a deficiency in the amino acid ______.
- Lysine
- Valine
- Tyrosine
9. Which of the following is not considered a monoamine?
- Epinephrine
- Norepinephrine
- Dopamine
- Adenosine
10. Which of the following is not considered a catecholamine?
- Dopamine
- Norepinephrine
- Serotonin
- Epinephrine
11. Excessive polarization due to GABA is created due to the opening of ____ channels.
- Ca++
- Cl-
- K+
- Na+
12. Valium has an effect on ____ to inhibit neural transmission.
- Epinephrine
- Norepinephrine
- Dopamine
13. The drug ____ blocks the reuptake of serotonin into presynaptic axons.
- Prozac
- Valium
- Xanax
- Deprenyl
14. Which of the following toxins blocks Sodium Channels?
- Srychnine
- Neostigmine
- Tetrodotoxin
- Curare
15. Clostridium botulinum releases this enzyme that destroys peptide bonds.
- Amylase
- Endopeptidases
- Exopeptidases
- Protein kinase
16. Multiple sclerosis is a disease that attacks the _______ of neurons in the CNS.
- Myelin sheaths
- Axon terminals
- Sodium channels
- Nicotinic receptors
17. Which of the following is not considered a type of synapse?
- Dendrodendritic
- Axosomatic
- Axoaxonic
- Denoaxonic
18. The progression of a nerve impulse with the nodes of Ranvier is called _______.
- Saltatory conduction
- Transmission
- Unmyelinated conduction
- Relative conduction
19. Supporting cells located within the CNS are collectively called _____.
- Neuroglia
- Astrocytes
- Perikaryon
- Satellite cells
20. Which of the following types of cells line the ventricles and spinal cord?
- Astrocytes
- Schwann cells
- Ependymal cells
- Oligodendrocytes