Biochemistry Practice Questions 2

1. Which of the following is the mRNA start codon in most cases?
  1. UAA 
  2. AGU 
  3. AUG 
  4. UGA
2. Which of the types of RNA is the smallest?
  1. mRNA 
  2. tRNA 
  3. rRNA
3. Which of the following is not considered a pyrimidine?
  1. G
4. Which of the following is a correctly paired set of DNA nucleotides?
  1. A-G 
  2. C-G 
  3. A-U 
  4. G-T
5. Which of the following characterizes a Western blot?
  1. Antibody/protein hybridization 
  2. DNA/RNA combination 
  3. RNA transcription 
  4. Polymerase chain reaction
6. Which of the following divisions of cell growth precedes Mitosis in the cell cycle?
  1. G2 
  2. G1 
  3. G0
7. Down syndrome is directly linked to a genetic abnormality of chromosome?
  1. XXII 
  2. XXI 
  3. XIIX 
  4. XV
8. Which of the following is a characteristic of the Hardy-Weinberg law?
  1. Mating between species occurs at a set rate. 
  2. Migration is a considerable factor. 
  3. Mutation occurs at the locus 
  4. Genotype selection does not occur at the locus
9. Which of the following is not an activated carrier?
  1. ATP 
  2. SAM 
  3. TPP 
  4. GMP
10. The end product of the TCA cycle produces ____ NADH.
  1. 6
11. How many ATP are required to transform pyruvate into glucose?
  1. 8
12. Which of the following is not a derivative of the amino acid (Tryptophan)?
  1. Melatonin 
  2. Serotonin 
  3. Creatine 
  4. Niacin


Answer Key

1. C 
2. B 
3. D 
4. B 
5. A 
6. A 
7. B 
8. D 
9. D 
10. A 
11. B 
12. C