CTEL Practice Test

If you need help studying for the California Teachers of English Learners (CTEL) exam or just want some more information about what the exam is like, you’ve come to the right place!

Click below to take a free CTEL practice test!

What’s on the Test?

Questions: 150
Essays: 4
Time limit: 6 hours

The CTEL exam contains 150 multiple-choice questions and four essays, and the time limit is 6 hours.

The exam is split into three subtests, which can be taken in separate testing sessions or all at once.

1. Language and Language Development
50 questions and 1 essay | 1 hour and 45 minutes

Language Structure and Use

  • Phonology
  • Morphology
  • Syntax and semantics
  • Language functions and variation
  • Discourse
  • Pragmatics

Additive-Language Development

  • Theories, processes, and stages of first- and second-language acquisition
  • Factors affective language development

2. Assessment and Instruction
60 questions and 2 essays | 2 hours and 45 minutes

Assessment of English Learners

  • Principles of assessments and instruction
  • Role, purposes, and types of assessment
  • Language and content-area assessment

Foundations of English Language/Literacy Development and Content Instruction

  • Foundations of programs for English learners
  • Foundations of English language literacy
  • Instructional planning and organization for ELD and SDAIE
  • Components of effective instructional delivery in ELD and SDAIE
  • Effective resource use in ELD and SDAIE

Approaches and Methods for ELD and Content Instruction

  • ELD: Approaches and methods
  • ELD: Listening and speaking
  • ELD: Reading and writing

3. Culture and Inclusion
40 questions and 1 essay | 1.5 hours

Culture and Cultural Diversity and Their Relationship to Academic Achievement

  • Cultural concepts and perspectives
  • Cultural contact
  • Cultural diversity in California and the US
  • Cross-cultural interaction

Culturally Inclusive Instruction

  • The role of culture in the classroom and school
  • Culturally inclusive learning environment
  • Family and community involvement
  • Culturally inclusive curriculum and instruction

How to Register

To get started with your registration, you’ll need to create an account on the NES website. You can then register for the exam and schedule a test date through your account.

The testing fee is $260 if you take all three subtests in on appointment. If you want to take each subtest separately, a different fee will apply for each one:

  • Subtest 1: $98
  • Subtest 2: $147
  • Subtest 3: $99

CTEL Study Guide and Flashcards

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CTELStudy Guide

How the Exam is Scored

The CTEL exam is scored using a scaled scoring method. Here’s how it works:

For every question you answer correctly, you get one point added to your raw score. At the end of the test, your final raw score will be converted to a scaled score.

You’ll need to get a final score of at least 220 on each subtest to pass the full exam.

The reason your raw score is converted to a scaled score is because everyone that takes the test is given a slightly different set of questions. Since everyone has a different arrangement of questions, and because some questions are harder than others, converting your raw score to a scaled score ensures a more even playing field.



How many questions are on the CTEL exam?


The exam contains 150 questions and four essays.


What is the time limit for the CTEL exam?


The exam is timed at 6 hours.


What is the passing score for the CTEL exam?


You’ll need to get a final scaled score of at least 220 on each subtest to pass.


How much does the CTEL exam cost?


The testing fee is $260 for the full exam.