If you need help studying for the Certified Addiction Counselor test or just want some more information about what the test is like, you’ve come to the right place.
Click below to take a free Certified Addiction Counselor practice test!
What’s on the Test?
The Certified Addiction Counselor exam is made up of two tests: NCAC I and NCAC II. Each test contains 150 multiple-choice questions and has a time limit of 3 hours.
Each test is split into the same five sections and covers the following topics:
- Treatment admission
- Clinical assessment
- Ongoing treatment planning
- Counseling services
- Documentation
- Case management
- Discharge and continuing care
- Legal, ethical, and professional growth issues
- Physiology and psychopharmacology
150 questions | 3 hours
- Orientation to the treatment process (14%)
- Assessment (23%)
- Ongoing treatment planning and implementation (25%)
- Addiction counseling practices and skills (21%)
- Professional practices (17%)
150 questions | 3 hours
- Orientation to the treatment process (14%)
- Assessment (23%)
- Ongoing treatment planning and implementation (23%)
- Addiction counseling practices and skills (23%)
- Professional practices (17%)
How to Register
To get started with the registration process, you’ll need to submit an application to the NCC AP. This application includes a $235 application fee for each test.
Once your application is approved, you’ll be given the necessary information to register for the exam.
Exam Scores
The exam is scored using a scaled scoring method. Here’s how it works:
For every question you answer correctly, you get one point added to your raw score. At the end of the test, your final raw score will be converted to a scaled score on a specific range.
You will need to answer at least 100 questions (67%) correctly to pass the exam.
The reason your raw score is converted to a scaled score is because everyone who takes the Addiction Counselor test is given a slightly different set of questions. Since everyone has a different arrangement of questions, and because some questions are harder than others, converting your raw score to a scaled score ensures a more even playing field.
Online Addiction Counselor Prep Course
If you want to be fully prepared, Mometrix offers an online Addiction Counselor Prep Course. The course is designed to provide you with any and every resource you might want while studying. The Addiction Counselor Course includes:
- Review Lessons Covering Every Topic
- 450 Addiction Counselor Practice Questions
- More than 400 Digital Flashcards
- Money-back Guarantee
- Free Mobile Access
- and More!
The Addiction Counselor Prep Course is designed to help any learner get everything they need to prepare for their Addiction Counselor exam. Click below to check it out!
Retaking the Exam
If you didn’t get a passing score on your first try, that’s okay! You can retake the test up to two more times within the same calendar year.
Keep in mind that you will have to pay the full testing fee every time you retake the test.
How many questions are on the Addiction Counselor exam?
The NCAC exam contains 300 questions in total.
What is the time limit for the Addiction Counselor exam?
The exam is timed at 6 hours (3 hours per test).
How much does the Addiction Counselor exam cost?
The application fee is $235.
What is the passing score for the Addiction Counselor exam?
You’ll need to answer at least 100 questions correctly to pass the exam.